Fr. Greg's Anglo-Catholic Rants

This is where I get to post my thoughts about Jesus Christ, the Anglican Communion and the world we live in. All opinions are welcomed. P.S. This is a work in progress. Pax et Bonum

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Breaking Anglican Ink News: He is RISEN




But there is more, much more.  The tomb is empty. “He has been raised, as he said.”  They are invited to see the place where the body had lain.  They are given a message.  (Forget the spices and the ointments.)  “Go tell his disciples.”  It hadn’t been about the stone after all…or about a dead body.  The crucifixion wasn’t the last word.  Not at all.  They had mis-read what God was up to.  Yes they were being faithful, but their plan – their challenge – was much too small.  Fear – a different kind of fear – and great joy are now theirs.  They hadn’t run from their problem, from their grief, but had headed straight into it.  Now everything was changed.  So now they run with a different purpose.  They are bearers of the greatest good news of all time.  And suddenly he himself meets them:  “Greetings!”  They fall and worship, and so do we.  And his last words to them are “Go and tell.”  We, too, now fall and worship.  Our next step is to go and tell.   <<CLICK HERE>>


When I say that I found this Easter message unbelievable, it is because, as I was reading it, I had the sense that Dr. Jefferts Schori's religion is not merely liberal religion, it is a caricature of liberal religion by someone who may not even grasp the extent to which that is true.  <<CLICK HERE>>


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams says that the ultimate test of the Christian religion is not whether it is useful, beneficial or helpful to the human race but whether or not its central claim – the resurrection of Jesus Christ – actually happened.  <<CLICK HERE>>


Hardly three months have gone by since we celebrated Christmas.  This was a great reminder of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.

During Easter we focus on the climax of God’s divine love, Jesus demonstrated to humanity.  In a world suffering from lack of love during his earthly life, though he did no wrong, he faced the cruelty of human selfish hearts.  He was arrested by the Religious Establishment and tortured to the point of exhaustion.  The Romans finally sentenced him to death.  He was crucified between two (2) criminals.  In his pain and agony he cried to God to forgive his tormentors.  His company on that Cross represented the fallen class of humanity, the humble, the poor, the helpless and homeless.  <<CLICK HERE>>




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