Fr. Greg's Anglo-Catholic Rants

This is where I get to post my thoughts about Jesus Christ, the Anglican Communion and the world we live in. All opinions are welcomed. P.S. This is a work in progress. Pax et Bonum

Friday, April 09, 2010

Friends of Anglican.TV


Why should you support Anglican.TV? In this difficult economy there
are hundreds of worthy charitable organizations that are pressing for
your support. Your local hospital, the SPCA, schools and universities,
your church roof repair fund all have needs and all are writing to you
now for help. Anglican.TV also has need of your financial support. Why
then should this organization go to the front of the line?

*/Because it gives Katherine Jefferts Schori, Kenneth Kearon and the
left apoplexy to have the light of day shined on their activities./*

When the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams was invited to
St Vladimir's Seminary in New York to deliver a lecture and receive
an honorary degree in January, Canon Kenneth Kearon----the General
Secretary of the Anglican Consultative Council---telephoned the
schools' dean and made two requests.

He asked that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori be invited
to the ceremony, and ask that Anglican.TV not be permitted to film the

In a few short years, Kevin Kallsen---the entrepreneur who founded
Anglican.TV---has taken it from a hobby to a professional news
organization with a 501C3 corporate structure. He has also been at the
right time and in the right place, and has had the talent, drive and
experience to make it the most respected and prominent broadcast news
organization covering the Anglican Communion.

At the Anglican Consultative Council's meeting in Jamaica last
year, it was Anglican.TV that broadcast to the world the chaos and
parliamentary chicanery that allowed the Episcopal Church to survive
censure from the wider church, and which nearly derailed the Covenant

Anglican.TV was present at the Gafcon Conference in Jerusalem,
Lambeth 2008, the Primates Meetings in Alexandria and Dar es Salaam
and provided a permanent video record of these seminar events in the
life of the Anglican Communion.

All of this is well and good----and if funding one of the few
successful media organizations in the church was the extent of the
matter, then Anglican.TV's claims for support would rest alongside
the new church organ, the youth trip, the seminarians' college fund
as an additional worthy need for the church.

However, Anglican.TV has a higher claim, a moral claim for your
support at this time. It is an agent for truth and change in our
church. Having covered the Anglican Communion and the secular world as
a reporter for the past six years, I have seen the power of truth, of
honest reporting to foster change.

Anglican.TV has allowed people to see for themselves how the church
operates. Kevin's interviews with the leading figures of Anglican
Christianity in the US and abroad both inform, and give us hope. God
is at work reforming Anglicanism and it is my firm conviction that
Anglican.TV is one of the vital instruments for change.

How can you help? First pray. Ask God to shower his blessings upon
this ministry, and to lead you to know how you might be of aid. Prayer
is needed to keep this organization grounded.

Money is needed to pay for travel and equipment. Kevin draws no
salary from this work and the funds you donate go directly to the work
of reporting, and are tax deductible as a charitable contribution as
governed by the tax laws.

And time … volunteers who can assist with the administrative and
back office work of Anglican.TV are needed.

But most of all pray. As Archbishop Duncan has said, Anglicanism is
going through a reformation. These are difficult and dark times.
However, Anglican.TV is one of the few lights that can guide us by
informing and educating us of the church in the world.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. May God
bless you always.


The Rev Canon George Conger

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